Church of Saint Joseph of the Carpenters

1733 - 1734: it is built because of the will of Giuseppe Camille on the “Below road”, now known as Via Carelli, in the area of Saint Joseph Square;
1736 - 1737: after the reconstruction of the bell tower and the vault with lighter materials, it is blessed;
1768 - 1770: it is repaired, but needs further interventions;
1898: it is expanded, incorporating the space of a nearby street;
1953: it is damaged by the earthquake that makes the bell tower collapse;
1955: it needs restoration works;
1956: it is demolished.

 Pieghevole su Chiesa di San Giuseppe in C.da Macina (pag 1)
 Pieghevole su Chiesa di San Giuseppe in C.da Macina (pag 2)
 Pieghevole su Chiesa di San Giuseppe in C.da Macina (pag 3)
 Pieghevole su Chiesa di San Giuseppe in C.da Macina (pag 4)